Emir Turkan Tekkamaz
Emir Furkan Tekkalmaz was born on July 15, 1997 in EskiÅŸehir. He began his painting studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in EskiÅŸehir in 2011, then he continued at the University of Fine Arts in Mimar Sinan in 2015. He studied in the workshops of Prof. Nedret Sekban and Dr. Ögr. Üyesi Ahmet Umur Deniz throughout his university life. He followed training in lithography, engraving, fresco techniques and also in the art of stained glass and holds an assistant position in the fresco workshop during the period of September 2019-March 2020. He obtains his diploma in August 2022, with a result of 3.41/4.
He describes his perception of painting as follows: “Pattern, form, chiaroscuro and color are the fundamental elements of a painting. The first 3 dominate my works while the color comes to support and complete them. In my understanding of form, there are contrasts. My compositions highlight the order of focus, the void and the full, the diagonal contrasts, the horizontal and the vertical. The paintings that I create from my experiences and my observations testify to my personal journey, my evolution over time, my stages of progress. In this adventure, I identify series and I target "the effect of the form which is the fruit of the synthesis of plastic contrasts, rationalism and feeling"."
He is strongly inspired by Eudweard Muybridge, known for his photographic decompositions of movement, in particular of a galloping horse in 1878, preceding the arrival of cinematography. He explains “I depict the consecutive stages of rhythmic movement of the figure in order to describe space in time. I try to represent in a single image, the aesthetics and the dynamic that the movement possesses in the action carried out by the figure like "the horse at the trot" or the "dancer".
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